A lot of these you’ve seen 100x before, but it’s not without reason. It drives curiosity and is relevant. The entire point of the subject line and the first line of the cold email is to increase throughput.

If you have a 10% open rate you’ve lost 90% of your prospects automatically. Perfecting TOF is so important because you need leads to flow down the funnel. You can have an 80% close rate but it doesn’t matter if there isn’t anyone at the bottom of your funnel.

Subject line Notes
quick question
question for {{first_name}}
this vs. that
get in touch with {{super awesome product}}
cheers to the role
Intro {{company_name}} <> {{yourcompanyname}}
Intro {{Prospect First Name}} <> {{Your name}}
Loved your last {{insert}}
little surprise for you {{first_name}}
collaboration with {{domain}}
{{first_name}} how about we have a chat?
X ideas for {{pain point}}
questions about company culture @{{company name}}
congrats on your funding round
build {{company name}} like {{common interest}} This could be a famous person, brand, sports team, mutual connection… anything
{{their industry}} {{first_name}}
more info {{first_name}}
the royal {{first_name}}